Honolulu Area

About the Area

First Monday Rosary

Spiritual Leaders:

Mid-year Meeting 2024

Date: March 9, 2024, 10:00–11:30 a.m.
Location: Chancery Board Room,
1188 Bishop Street 5th floor.
Contact: hi_councillor@eohsjwesternusa.org
Details: The Office of the Bishop will validate parking at Century Square.

Honolulu Area News

Find out what is happening in the Honolulu Area of the Western USA Lieutenancy.

  • Hawaii Wildfire Relief

    Dear Fellow Knights and Dames, We’ve watched in sadness the destruction of the town of Lahaina on Maui. The great response with the goodness of people wanting to help has been an inspiration. We’ve had members ask about sending contributions.  Below is a letter from Bishop Larry Silva, KC*HS, with information on sending help. (Click here to read the

Sir Ricardo Burgos, KHS
Dame Danielle Burgos, DHS

Area Co-Councillor – Honolulu

Most Reverend Clarence R. Silva, KC*HS

Bishop of Honolulu