Holy Land Councillor
Awareness and education about the plight of the Christians in the Holy Land.
Fiat Programs
FIAT Programs Faith in Action Today Support This MinistryFIAT is not only supported by the…
Medical Missions
Medical Mission to the Holy Land In Association with The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem &…
Peace Crusade
The Peace CrusadeA Campaign to Support the Schools of the Latin Patriarchate. Peace & Mercy…
Seminarian Pilgrimages
Seminarian Pilgrimages Support This MinistrySponsor a seminarian’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land.Give Support About this…
Declaration on the Ceasefire in Gaza
The Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land welcome the announcement of the ceasefire in Gaza, which aims to end the hostilities in Gaza, return the Israeli hostages and release the Palestinian prisoners. We hope that this ceasefire will mark an important end to the violence that has caused immeasurable suffering. It is a necessary step
Reflections from the Holy Land – Another Sad Christmas
As we go through this Advent season, we look with joy to the coming of Our Lord, Our Savior. The news from the Holy Land continues to be bleak, but in the midst of the sadness, they look for a better tomorrow. With the leadership of Cardinal Pizzaballa and Sami El Yousef, the support we
Reflections from the Holy Land – September 2024
Please take a moment to read and reflect upon the message below from CEO of the LPJ, Sami El-Yousef, where he outlines all the pivotal spiritual and material good that has been provided to the unfortunate individuals and families caught amidst the conflict. As we approach the one-year mark! “As we approach the one-year mark