Orange Area

About the Area

First Monday Rosary

Spiritual Leaders:

Mid-year Meetings

Date: May 3, 2025

Orange Area News

Find out what is happening in the Orange Area of the Western USA Lieutenancy.

Sir Stephen Luchetta, KGCHS
Dame Kristin Luchetta, DGCHS

Area Co-Councillor – Orange County

Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, KC*HS

Bishop of Orange

Most Reverend Timothy E. Freyer, KC*HS

Auxiliary Bishop of Orange

Most Reverend Thanh Thai Nguyen, KC*HS

Auxiliary Bishop of Orange

Most Reverend Tod D. Brown, KC*HS

Bishop Emeritus of Orange

Right Reverend Eugene Hayes, O.Praem., J.C.D, KCHS

Abbot of St. Michael’s Abbey of the Norbertine Fathers

Most Reverend Francois Elias Beyrouti, KC*HS

Eparchial Bishop of Newton