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How Do I Give a Gift?
The most common way to give a gift through your estate is through a “bequest” included in your will or trust. A statement in your will or trust should specify WHO is going to receive the funds and WHAT they are going to receive. You have the options of giving a general amount, general percentage or a specific item or items of value. The most common form is as an UNRESTRICTED gift. One where the Order receives the funds with the flexibility of applying them to programs and projects most in need and with timing most appropriate to the need. For such a bequest we have the following sample of how it might appear:
I make the following bequest to be distributed outright to the WESTERN USA LIEUTENANCY OF THE EQUESTRIAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE OF JERUSALEM, a non-profit voluntary association of the faithful, the funds to be used specifically for needs and support of efforts in the Holy Land.
You will need to provide the actual nature of the bequest that will follow this preamble – again it could be a specific dollar amount, or percentage of your estate or specific items of value (like a house or piece of art).
When making an Estate or Legacy Gift, most every form of funding is welcome:
• Cash
• Stock
• Real Estate
• Other forms of valuable consideration – collections, art objects, etc.
Click here to download more information about making a bequest.
Click here to download the Bequest Confirmation Form.
Click here to download a Sample Amendment to a Revocable Trust
Your estate gift may be your most lasting contribution.
Remembering the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in your estate plan continues the commitment to the Order you have made throughout your life. It completes your faithful service of giving and provides needing funding for future Holy Land needs. The Legacy Society is the recognition that a member will continue their faithful investment in the Order and the Holy Land after their passing. The Legacy Society works to help ensure members’ wishes are reflected and respected.
• Any estate gift qualifies you as a member of the Legacy Society;
• Greater commitments qualify for special appreciation and events;
• Significant gifts may be directed to special projects or programs;
• Your gift can become a long-term funding solution for a special needs project.
Click here for more information on the Legacy Society
Need to talk with someone who can answer your questions?
Speak with a fellow member of the Order who can help you realize the goals for your bequest.
Meet the Lieutenancy’s Bequest Liaisons.
Western Lieutenancy Development email: Development@eohsjwesternusa.org