Seminarian Pilgrimages

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Sponsor a seminarian’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

About this Ministry

We are excited to announce a pilot program to sponsor seminarians on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land! Starting this year a small group of seminarians in their final formation from St. John Seminary will be traveling with their Rector to the Holy Land. We felt and hope this experience of walking in the footsteps of Jesus will have a deep and lasting impact on them as they will soon begin their priestly vocation and duties. Therefore, we decided to cover the cost of the entire pilgrimage using a portion of the generous bequest provided to us by one of our Legacy members who passed from this life into God’s kingdom. In addition, several members heard about our pilot program and have already provided a designated donation to support it. How wonderful to provide the Holy Land pilgrimage opportunity to our seminarians. We hope the pilot program is a success and that we can expand the seminarian pilgrimage program to all the seminaries in the Western Lieutenancy next year and thereafter.

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This program is still in active development. News and updates can be expected soon.
Please include this initiative in your prayers.