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As Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, one of our highest goals is to provide aid and assistance to our brethren in the Holy Land. This comes in the three forms of Stewardship – Time, Talent, and Treasure. Our philanthropic focus is best expressed in sharing our treasure with those in need. This mission has been specifically given to us by the Holy Father.

It is through the donations of our committed members that we are able to accomplish so much for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. We keep open over 40 schools, a seminary, as well as health, special needs, various diocesan ministries, and many more agencies. With your support we can make a difference. 


Click on the following pages to see the key forms of giving:


Annual Contribution and Annual Contribution for Life –
Making your annual donation for now and into the future




Giving for Special Projects –
Make an extra gift to advance a cause close to your heart.


Legacy Estate Gifts –
Remember the Equestrian Order in your Will or Trust







May Our Lady of Palestine bless you for your generosity!




